How do I deal with my child who does not tell me about poor grades?

I have question that a friend of mine actually asked me, regarding ten year old daughter. Whenever her daughter gets poor grades in class she does not tell her mum, even if she asks her about her grades, so she said what can I do to help her in the situation. 1) As parents it…

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How to deal with office politics/bullying?

I’ve got the next question from a 28-year young professional who has been going to an office, to a new office, for the last two months has become a victim to, guess what? Office politics and office bullying. Yes, bullying does happen in the office environment. So she has written in, asking, how I can…

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Anxiety in Children: How do I encourage my child to make friends?

Making friends causes a lot of anxiety in children I received a question from a mother, all the way from the UK. She has written, asking, about her 11-year-old son who is moving from primary to secondary and he is not very good at making friends. So, how can I help him? I have five…

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How to handle your teenage daughter’s first relationship

Today’s question is from a concerned mother, about her 13-year-old daughter who has come home and declared, that; “a boy in school has proposed to me and I have said yes.” So she has emailed me to ask, “What should I do in this circumstance?” 1) Before such a situation arises, it is important, as…

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How to stop procrastination

I’ve got a twelve-year-old girl writing in and asking; “How do I stop myself from procrastinating.” Well this question is relevant across all age groups. And the answer is relevant across all age groups also. So the four points for today, how do we stop ourselves from procrastinating and just going ahead and doing our…

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How to improve your communication skills

I received a question from a male, a professional, who’s asked me about tips with regard to communication - “How can he improve his communication.” As you know, communication is extremely important these days; with regard to relationships, with regards to socializing, with regards to the business you might be in, whether you’re actually selling…

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