How to prevent my children from getting carried away by peer pressure?

Peer pressure is not something that you experience only in childhood. Whether you are 12 or 20 or 40, peer pressure appears in some form or the other. The only difference being at this stage in your life you have an idea of who you want to be, what you want to do or not…

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My children don’t listen to me, I am tired of reminding them!

As adults we might be struggling with giving up sugar and have to be reminded constantly by our trainers or doctors to go slow depending on our weight or blood sugar. In the same manner as parents we need to keep reminding our children to finish their tasks or inculcate some new behaviour depending on…

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Are you struggling to take your child away from the internet and TV?

Yes technology is a huge help for all of us – parents and children alike. Nowadays children do not have to spend time pouring over encyclopedias to unearth the treasures of knowledge, it is available at their fingertipsvia the internet. The internet serves not only as an old wise man with all the answers but…

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My child does not face challenges and gives up without trying

Our benchmark for our child and ourselves usually is 10/10 and then we define whether we have done well or not. However, sometimes it is this very benchmark that can create fear of failure or on the other hand extreme inertia to attempt something. How many of you parents procrastinate? If you go within you,…

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As a working mother I feel I do not spend enough time on my child’s development

As mothers we tend to be hard on ourselves most of the time - our thoughts raging around how we could have spoken calmly to our child instead of raising our voice, how we could have remembered to dress him up for book day instead of letting the day slip by with him returning home…

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My husband hit my 12 year old son and they are no longer on speaking terms

Parents are humans but sometimes you can err, losing yourself to your own shortcomings, emotions and external stressors and the people who then suffer are the ones you have ‘power’ or ‘control’ over, your children. What you do not realize in the heat of the moment is who you are giving birth to – a…

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