Two months of summer time are over! For some it might have felt like the blink of an eye and for some it might have felt like a long stretch of time. Well for both it is over. What lies in front of parents and children is the fresh start of a new academic year. Its that time of the year when new plans and goals are being made, almost like the new calendar year.
I have had a super relaxed two months as I consciously made a decision to take time off work and having done so have come back rejuvenated and relaxed. So geared up that I decided to do a blog on the last day of August instead of starting in September!
In this blog I share what I have done. Having shopped during our travels and then taken the kids for their uniforms and new bags I realized that to truly enjoy this feeling of newness and freshness I needed to take out the old.
1) Spring Cleaning your Environment. We tend to buy new clothes, shoes, bags, uniforms etc. however we tend to keep the old stuff thinking that we might use them at a later time, at least this was what I was doing. This time however, I realized that to truly enjoy the new I needed to make space and rid myself of the old allowing fresh and positive energy to flow through.
2) Newness in your Physical being. Buying children new uniforms, bags, shoes helps them to get excited towards the new academic year and also gives them an opportunity to disassociate themselves with anything old and negative they might have experienced in the previous year.
3) New Schedule. Create a new schedule taking into account any newactivities that you or your child have been wanting to do, incorporating all the changes and sticking it up on a wall or place where it is easily visible.
4) New Hobby or Activity. You might have put into the backburner a newhobby or activity waiting for a better time. Well here is the best time to get enrolled into that dance or music or art class that you have been putting off due to lack of time or your inertia. This could also apply to your child who has been waiting to start learning to play a new musical instrument or sport.
5) Newness in your Mental being. Any issues that you have not been able to overcome or negative thinking that needs to be rid off that is stopping you from leading a fulfilled and happy life.